David: Which dog would win between a Kangal and a pit bull in a dog fight?
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Answer by Tiliba
Kangal dog will win Pitbull in the dogfight because the Kangal’s teeth are more long and sharp than pitbull’s. Kangal’s muscle is bigger than pitbull’s.
I told you the answer but you are really sick and stupid if you are in a dogfight how could you take your dog to fight like this if you lose your dog will die even you win you are still a bad person to me.
Photo Credit: thomaswanhoff/Flickr CC
Answer by dimitri
Kangal wins hands down, it has longer teeth, stronger bite force, and its bred to kill not fight and has larger muscles than a pit bull, but sometimes, it gets soo bored of betting down that pitbull, people will say "The Kangal is a coward, pit bull ponds that dog", well people can say that but the dog just got really bored and sick of beating up that pitbull, so it leaves, but on the other hand, pit bulls are tireless animals, and very alerting.
Pitbulls are strong and fast, but I'm not sure if they're intelligent though, but Kangal beats it by speed-strength, bite force, and smartness, cmon seriously Kangals are not bred to fight actually, they're bred to kill.
Answer by Caomhin Reid
No breed of dog is as game as the game-bred Pit Bulldog is. Period. You see videos of unconditioned Pit Bulls going against dogs three times their size. If the Kangal is all some are saying then the tens of thousands of dollars that breeders are spending on Pit Bulls would be spent on Kangals. Period.
Catchweight (conditioned weight of 52 lbs on up) outlasts Kangals.
Answer by Garry.
The Kangal will quit if the fight is long … I saw the fight of the champion Kangal and the red nose Pitbull owned by a lady! They brought them to a park in Turkey and a large crowd was there to watch the match...
The Kangal appeared to dominate from the top for a few minutes and it was not looking good for the pitbull … but the vaunted bite of the Kangal just did not appear in this fight, it did very little damage and hardly any blood at all…

The pitbull from the bottom got a bite on the back left foot of the Kangal and began to break the Kangal down. The much larger Kangal began to try to leave dragging the pitbull who had moved to the soft part of the Kangals belly area and was doing much damage …
The owner of the Kangal asked for a break and they separated the two dogs and the Kangal refused to engage with the pitbull and by rule lost the fight … so I say the pitbull in this particular fight of best vs. best was the clear winner .. self-preservation instinct kicked in with the Kangal dog … which the pitbull does not seem to have…
Answer by Jack Red
Pro dead game pit will destroy any Kangal are any dog on the planet.
Answer by Jack Robert
First of all, it's a joke right?! I love American Pitbulls but we are talking about real-life situations, right?
well 1st. Kangals haven’t been interfered with and become what they are today naturally and adapted to their surroundings! Weak ones died off and only the strongest smartest ones became what they are today. Natural Guardians of the flock!
2nd Their PSI bite force is much larger than the American pitbull!
3rd these dogs fight off Wolves and not just one but even a pack of wolves... Yes, there is more than one dog on guard but these dogs, and yes look it up proof they can fight more than one at a time and they destroy a wolf!!
4th Man hasn’t interfered with the evolution of the Turkish Kangal like the pitbull, unfortunately… It's hard to find a pureblood pitbull nowadays u have to search hard..No bully breeds aren't pureblood... Colby bloodline is one of the oldest bloodlines around and pit bulls weigh 45 to 65 no more... These mutts they call pit bulls are bred out then breed back in for more size and wider chest also taller from the withers... Razors Edge, Gotti, etc garbage...
5th The Kangal would have a walk in the park even with a game pit bull... I'm not for dogfighting and against it but there are sites that are illegal and have these blood sports to watch and even bet on... The Kangal is a lot stronger but also has a huge advantage they fight in real scenarios people!! they have an advantage in height by large amount some are reported to be over 80inch from the withers... And I'm not done...There are Kangals then there is Boz Kangals which are faster stronger thicker as well and less aggressive towards their own flock but the same aggressiveness towards threats...
Americans bringing dogs to Parts of Turkey for huge purses only to go home empty-handed not just talking about money either!! besides the king of the hill isn't even the Kangal!
Caucasian Ovarcharka is by far the most Majestic yet the most ruthless dog on the planet! 1 single dog attacks the whole pack of wolves vs Kangal is in a group of more than one not even close...Do your research and actually be around these animals before u pass judgment!
I've owned Perro De Presa Canarios before! These dogs use to fight pits back in the day but were herding dogs as well.. I've owned American Bulldog and a Staffordshire Terrier.
Silly post. Anyone with intelligence would know these dogs fight not for their master but for survival every single day! they live for the Flock and die for the flock.
Answer by Calgon
The bite force test was done on a 40-pound male pit bull with a small head and neck. One dog has somehow been the deciding factor that all pits bite with a 235-pound bite force. Sorry. Understand that many pits get up to the 90-pound range with giant heads, jaws, and necks.
I’ve personally watched a stray pit bull murder a large, aggressive bull mastiff that weighed over 160 pounds. We couldn’t get the pit off of that dog's throat. We ended up having to shoot the pit and kill it in order to pry it from that dead mastiff’s throat. It was a bad scene.
It takes 25 pounds of proper force to crush the esophagus so bite strength doesn’t matter. It takes a proper bite, biting in a vital spot, and the ability to do those things. I’ll take the pit bull over the Kangal all day and any day. Its size allows it to reach all vital spots on the Kangal and properly trained pits always go after the throat area.
Besides, professional dogfighters choose pit bulls in the “unlimited rings” for a reason. They bring home the goods. Wolves aren’t fighting dogs folks. Sorry.
Wolves are known to turn tail and try to escape a death situation. Pit bulls will not if they are game bred.
Those of you outside of the United States who get those beautiful pit bulls are not getting game-bred bulldogs. The renowned pit bull champs are heavy in terrier genetics and will do battle with 300 pounds wild boar and win. They aren’t bred for looks. Just the fact of the matter.
Answer by Brian Burdick
I have two very large and when cranked fierce dogs. One is a 140 lb Turkish Sivas Kangal and the other is his son, a cross between him and my Argentine Dogo female ( now sorrowfully passed). He weighs in at 125 lbs. Between the two he is far more aggressive, I think from the Dogo side of his breeding.
The Kangle is the most loving, docile dog you could ever want. The son tries to take the leader position from his dad every chance he gets. Dad will do everything to avoid confrontation. I’ve seen him walk away with his tail hanging down. When the son really tries to push it and pisses dad off, dad always comes out on top.
The truth is when all skills are equal, size and strength will always win out. I hate to see them go at it, but at 76 years old, I’m not about to get involved. Other than the show, they never really hurt each other, but if a strange dog was involved, I’m sure the result would be different.
By the way, both the Dogo I had God Rest Her Soul and the Kangle were and are the most wonderful and loving dogs you could ever imagine.
Answer by Jack Woods
If ANY breed could best a Pit Bull then the handlers and owners in dogfighting would be spending and betting their tens of thousands on them instead of Pit Bulls. It all depends on the dog, but at the top level, no dog is any match for a world-class Pit Bull. There are no size limits and no money limits in the pit so why else would they risk their money only on that one breed?!
Answer by ABC
Answer: Kangal
Kangal dog can kill wild dog or wolf.
I've seen an underground dogfight, a trained muscular Pitbull vs. regular Kangal dog.
Pitbull was almost killed in the battle. Kangal dominates from the start until the owner of the pitbull asked to stop the fight. LOL!
Answer by wolfspirit
why does it matter sicko? I'll tell you what post something stupid like this again ill come and throw you in a pit with one of each and then as your screaming ill ask "HEY WHICH ONE DO YOU THINK WOULD WIN?" even if you don't dogfight that's still a horrible question to ask and if you're expecting a nice answer then you are not worthy of existing on this earth
Answer by naviin singh
I have seen real dog fights not staged ones. My best friend as a child was a dog, breed unknown. Fang was the King on my street. But a loving friend. I am against staged dog fights. I hate it.
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