This video, shot in France in early August, has become a hit with dog lovers and social media users. A mighty guard dog Caucasian Shepherd brings a little girl to safety after watching her go underwater in the sea.
The girl was not really in trouble but the dog thought she might be and decided to rescue her. He grabbed onto her shirt with his teeth and dragged her onto the beach where she couldn’t be washed away.
People say:
GLAKIT TIM: A great big juicy bone for the Doggy.
Jasonandtheargonauts: Moments like this make all the crap in this world seem worth it :) what a sweet pooch and child
Marcwebbo3: After seeing all the bad news today this has cheered me up.... what a lovely dog and clearly loves the little girl.... great story
GiaLynda: Adorable, like a mama bear
Sarah b: I want that dog
Zepher: Could it be trained to drag women out of shops?
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Other Comments
Not everything is staged!
Sonofglyndwr: Awesome, nice to have your own personal Lifeguard, some dog.
John Dowe: The dog is a Caucasian Shepherd (Ovcharka). Obviously, the little girl was never in danger as there was an adult there but that breed is highly protective.
vencedor: The girl by no means is about to get washed away, but it's cute
Dandonian: What you're seeing is someone that wasn't in real danger, but the dog doesn't understand that the girl isn't in trouble, so the dog reacts whereas the human filming it, knows there's no danger which is why they are "calm".
Not everything is staged.
Sejanus Sej: Yes and no, as dog indeed took care of her needing to or not. It’s all about smart dog.
c_banter: You can even see the concerned look as the dog looks at the small waves coming in to shore just before he grabs the little child's t-shirt. Really heartwarming and yet another reason why I prefer dogs to humans.
Johnsmithuk: dogs sense danger more than humans......and do something about it and not pull out their phone and film......
dutch vandam: She was never in danger but the dog thought she was, and the adult knew that.
Duncan Walker: How wonderful to watch the way it so gently bites onto the little girls T shirt to drag her back to the beach. A true bind between a human and an animal
Tom Billesley: ... and many beaches are moving to ban dogs at least during summer.
The dog kept rescuing them…
Zoe: When I was a little girl, our German Shepherd saved a stranger’s child from drowning in a city center water feature in a similar way - grabbing her clothing at the neckline and dragging her to an edge. Some dogs take looking after human puppies very seriously.
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Veronica Dinan: My dad had a Newfoundland as a child, and he said they always had to lock the dog up when they went swimming because he kept rescuing them. I've always wanted a Newf.
Roy: Back when I was a nipper and lived on the sea shore (a defensive wall did protect our houses from the seas and weather), in summer me and three other mates would go to the beach for a swim. However, our neighbours had a wonder Golden Labrador (Bruce) who would go charging into the sea to pull us out by our swimming trunks. It was funny, but rather annoying because he would keep pulling us out. Sadly, no longer alive since it was back in the 1950's.
jbird65: My sisters German Shepherd used to insist on being in the bathroom when my toddler niece was being bathed. She used to sit outside the door and howl like a banshee until she was let in.
Dogs are indeed man's best friend!
Wisconsin Deplorable: The ancient and symbiotic relationship that humans have with dogs is actually quite fascinating when one stops to ponder it. You know, I never trust anyone who says they don't like dogs.
D Dortman: Indeed. For everyone 1 dangerous dog out there, there are 100,000 dogs that would die to save their family.
David Boldock: Dogs are the best.
Sarcouf: And THAT ladies & gentlemen, is why dogs are indeed man's best friend.
How anyone can be cruel to a dog?
sasha2009: Absolutely heartwarming, shows the intelligence of dogs, unconditional love, this is why we must stop abuse of dogs in some culture.
Sam: it is beyond me how anyone can be cruel to a dog or any animal, yet we hear stories everyday of animal cruelty. What a failed species we are!
Luna1982: Whole heartedly agree... I do read dog attack stories. I feel bad for the child and animal. My opinion the parents are not keeping an eye on their children, animals can't talk and their only defense is a bark and then they attack...There is always a bigger story behind dog attacks. I love animals… I remember not long ago a little girl was sitting waiting for her dad in front of the shops and she had her German Shepard pup on a leash sitting in front of her, he was so protective of her, he barked at me and all I did was ask how old he was however I approached her and I thought how beautiful, Turns out she (pup was a female too), when her dad got out the pup was ok and allowed me to come near it, if I got bit I had no one to blame but myself. I can't help it I see dogs (animals) I always approach, Animals are just too adorable.
Capt Dan: Love it! The only bad thing about dogs is that they don't live long enough!
keeptheglasshalffull: Before I had my children I had a dog which everyone used to say was too mollycoddled . I was given countless horror stories and warnings when I was pregnant that she would resent my child even though she was not in any way aggressive. When we brought baby home from hospital we immediately introduced them and she would lay by our baby wherever she was protecting her. Not once did she so much as growl at my children, even when they were toddlers or when she was a frail twelve year old dog. Like people each dog is different, yes you do need to be sensible and cautious as sometimes bad things happen but my children had a devoted protective friend throughout their childhood. We miss her every day. This dog is just wonderful too looking out for this little girl, truly mans (and women's) best friend.