The Dogman: American Pitbull Terrier vs Ovcharka?
There seems to be a misguided few who believe that the Russian Caucasian Ovcharka can compete with the APBT.
I ask you to give me your opinions and let's have a proper discussion/ debate.
Answers and Views:
Answer by RA
There is nothing on the planet (200 lbs. or under) that can whip a game American Pitbull Terrier (40-65lb). Anyone that suggests any dog or wolf has a chance is ill-informed.
Photo Credit: This Year's Love/Flickr CC
Answer by Hengus
Ovcharkas take it 9 times out of 10. 200 lbs Ovcharkas coat is too thick for a 60 lbs pit bull to hurt it, simple anatomy.
Pits are undoubtedly the king of fight breeds, that is POUND FOR POUND,
some of you deluded peasants think pits can take on polar bears already,
Answer by Julien
The Ovcharka hands down is the nastiest meanest most aggressive dog I have seen. They are not just big, but agile, and yes they will destroy any 50lb, 60lb,70lb ABPT. particularly if you can get one directly from Russia.
Answer by Paddy
TRUST ME, as you could google and see the other way around, i have seen a 65 lb pit grab a full-grown Bull Cow by the face and drag him down. You “get real” as you say idiot

Answer by SGT USMC
A Kangal – Ovcharka or the like could and would do whatever it pleases with a pitbull — could mount it and breed it – kill or mame it and in heartbeat. I suppose a pit bull could get lucky sneak under the big dog and attack his genitalia — more likely the big dog would scoop the apbt up in jaws shake it like a rat and it's over (see eg Dempsey terriers and barn rats) — — the toughest apbt are not these rejects you see at 100lbs — they are what 35 – 55 lbs — — Certainly APBT can be a real game and super talented — just like Floyd “money” Mayweather — Floyd is unmatched athletic talent and practioner — but the simple fact of the matter is that a bottom of the barrel heavyweight would make him his bitch with relative ease (including even the sloppy fat pasty white guys).
Similarly – and while there are exceptions they are very rare — a 125 lb female can be a 40-degree blackbelt — but at end of the day she can kung fu all over the place and I can walk right through wrap my arms around her and it's over (this example was for arguments sake only — I have never and never would find myself in a scrap with a little karate gal) — I'm not a brightest guy but has something to do with stuff like physics — despite the commentary APBT’s are not superheroes — the bite force is limited by forces likes size or lack thereof.
Answer by Don C
You want the truth, don't you? Well here goes. I’m 65 years old and fought dogs against the likes of Don Mayfield, Don Maloney, Walter Komosinski, Pete Sweeney, Earl Tudor, Jack Kelly, Jerry Bean, I could go on but what’s the point? I won my share and lost my share. IF there was a better combat dog than the pit bull, then that’s what the pros would be using. You’re talking about a 175 lb. dog against a 50 lb pit bull. The pit bull still wins. Why? Because the Russian dog WASN’T bred for combat. I’ve seen pit bulls up against everything available and they still win. Are there exceptions to every rule? Of course. When you match a 175 dog against a 50 lb pitbull, the odds are stacked against the smaller dog.B ut, pound for pound there is NO dog capable of whipping a pit bull. As a matter of fact, I will put a 50 lb. pit bull up against any 175 lb Russian dog in the world.
There’s an old saying that goes like this, “it’s not the size of the dog in the fight, but the size of the fight in the dog.” The American Pit Bull is the world’s greatest combat animal ever bred. If you think to place a 175 lb. Russian dog against a 50 lb. pit bull you have my deepest sympathies. When the pit bull grabs the big dog by the now and won’t let go, let’s see how much screaming goes on for the big dog. And make no mistake, the pit bull IS gonna at some time or another bite the bigger dog in a place he ain’t gonna care much for. And once again, if the “pros” who fight dogs felt like the Russian dog was the best combat dog, don’t you think they’d be using them instead of the lowly pit bull? ‘Nuff said.
Answer by Alexandra
I own a Pit bull and a Pit Bull x Boerboel (South African Mastiff, loosely translated from Afrikaans to mean Farmer’s dog) and they are the sweetest and most loyal dogs I’ve ever owned. They have never shown aggression or been a danger to other people or dogs in any situation. However, I once lived and worked on a property for a year that had an Ovchaka, I will never trust that breed again. The Ovchaka was threatening and aggressive to strangers and over the course of the year that I was there, got progressively more dangerous to the point that not only did he turn on me(savagely biting my arm after I pulled him off another person he tried to bite unprovoked) after biting me he was always threatening and aggressive towards me even though we had been ‘best friends’ up until then and now he has to be kept in an enclosure because he is even a danger to his own owner and her child.
In my personal experience and opinion, Pitbulls are predictable and trustworthy. They are only ruined and made dangerous by people, however, Ovcharka’s are unpredictable and aggressive regardless of how well they are trained and how much they are loved.
Answer by Rob
You guys are idiots for matching a 55 lb dog, the apbt, against fighting dogs/guard dogs 2 to 3 times its weight and size. Will this argument ever end? There is not a dog on this planet in a pitbulls weight class that can beat it. A Jack Russell terrier weighs probably 15 pounds less than a pit yet it can never beat one; nor can most dogs twice its size. In order for it to meets its match you have to give it all most impossible odds to win. Fucking cowards! Then brag about what a shitty breed it is.
Lesson one: dogo’s, presa’s, corso’s, bully kuttas are all bandogs. They only took on their recent appearance within the past 20-30 yrs. And what’s the main ingredient in most modern bandogs? Apbt!
- Which would win a Kangal or a pitbull in a dog fight?
- Tosa Inu Vs American Pit Bull Terrier fight?
- Who would win in a fight between a wolf and a pitbull?
Lesson 2: the kangals you see online that are the most impressive are not purebred dogs! That’s why they are so rare even in their country of origin. These so-called “Kangals” are in fact, Boz shepherds or Malak/Kangal crosses with those that look more like Malaks being the most popular. If a so-called kangal has a hanging upper lip, and block skull and not a round one, stands up square not rectangular, has overly defined muscle definition then its not a Kangal but one of the aforementioned.
Lesson 3: the best fighting dogs in the world are bandogs! Usually, Boerboel crossed with pit, or working lines of Neo or tosa. One such dog, a Boerboel X apbt, was undefeated against all other breeds and still to this day holds the record.
Lesson 4: game pitbulls come from a separate and distinct line from just the casual show dog (aka amstaffs). These dogs are top prizefighters who lines date back several generations back to when the breed was being developed. Of course, a 120 + lbs has the advantage but what more amazing here is that sometimes, the pit wins. Self-preservation, unlike what many of the larger breeds have, is not one of their traits; it was bred out. That ‘underdog’ — that fighting spirit is not something to be looked down upon.
Lesson 5: say we even the odds and made kangals, CO’s, CAO’s, bully kuttas, tm’s all equal in weight to a pit. Things wouldn’t be so “overrated” then would they?
Know better? Give your own answer to this question!