Borzoi, the Russian wolfhound, is the most aristocratic Russian dog breed.
Big Russian Dogs
Large Russian dogs from heavy built Russian shepherds - Ovcharka guard dogs - to elegant Borzoi.
Caucasian Shepherd, the Amazing Russian Bear Dog
Caucasian Shepherd (Russian Bear dog) is dominant and dangerous but it can become a good family member.
Black Russian Terrier, the "KGB Dog"
Black Russian Terrier, often called Stalin’s or KGB dog, was created after WWII for Russian police and army.
East-European Shepherd (Russian German Shepherd)
East-European Shepherd is a larger Russian version of the German Shepherd Dog that suits the Russian climate.
Russian Mastiff - the Biggest Bear Hunting Dog?
Russian Mastiff is an old Russian dog breed that was used for hunting bears.
Yakutian Laika – A New Ancient Dog Breed
Yakutian Laika (Yakut Laika) is an ancient Siberian dog breed used for sledding, hunting, reindeer herding.
Central Asian Shepherd, the Alabai
Central Asian Shepherd, Alabai, is a very protective and strong guard dog. It is one of the oldest Molossers.
South Russian Ovcharka, the White Russian Sheepdog
South Russian Shepherd (South Russian Ovcharka) is a large and strong Russian sheepdog and guardian.