King of the ring: why would no responsible breeder do this?
someone i'm assuming just a troll or someone preaching off a soap box they know nothing about said that my cousin wouldnt be able to have two show pups of different breeds at around the same time possibly 4-6 months apart so there wouldnt be a huge age gap.
get one at the appropriate age then another dog in 4-6 months at around the age the other dog was when it would be brought home so there isnt an astronomical age gap.
because no responsible breeder would give a sighthound pup for show into a home with another breed of sighthound at around the same age.
what is this milarky?
my cousin is getting an ibizan in 2 years or less and possibly one of the following
borzoi, italian greyhound. whippet or pharaoh hound. (which do you think would do best with the ibizan? since they are known for anemia rough play is bad..which do you think would be the best playmate?)
she doesnt want to have 2 of the same breed (which they also said was unusual ...but it isnt) because she wants to show her dogs herself and cant very well have two leads at once...i dont see anything wrong with showing one breed then crating it or leaving it with a family member on the sideline and show the other in another ring.
O.o am i the only one to see this reasoning of this person as odd?
what about that is odd?
my cousin could easily care for the dogs ...they would have plenty of room 70+ acres, high game fence...rabbits and RAW diet...and wants to show and do lure with her dogs..she is crazy for dogs.
would you as a responsible breeder reject that kind of home?
herding dog lover: thank you yes that was my cousin she's awesome i saw that answer and said WTH?? then she deleted it because she didnt want to hear any more bubkus i assume she doesnt like it when ppl just like to try and bash others and in giving no information and just calling her a fool and mocking her well there ya go.
Answers and Views:
Answer by Bare Nekkid TRUTH!
I would think that your cousin should first get known a lil bit in the show ring with the first dog, and proove that he understands the work invovled in showing, and then consider persuing a second show dog (I would reccommend this even if he was looking to get two of the same breed).
2 puppies close together is not an easy task, and not reccommended. When you raise young pups together, they tend to bond more closely with each other, and not so much with human family members.
There are several reputable breeders that have 2 breeds, so, there's no reason why he'd be rejected for already having a show dog of a different breed. However, if the breeder feels he's unable to handle 2 pups at this time, he may be rejected for that reason.
Easier to get your hands on a show dog when you get yourself known abit first.
Know better? Give your own answer to this question!
Ibizan Hound says
actually im 20….he doesnt say anything about me being "18" wtf?
READ ppl READ i know its a hard concept for some of you that want to be pompous, but really.
BTW i talked to some breeders last night and none of them were against the idea so i have no fregin idea what you loons are talking about.
HOWEVER they did say it would be a different story if i was looking into getting two long hair breeds that need alot of work before a show. the breeds i like are easy to groom except for borzoi so they are crossed off.
as for the "ibizans just dont get along with small dogs" & "are really hyper" BS.
cirneco dell etnas and an Ibizan playing just because they are fast doesnt mean they are hyper
i dont see why some of you want to make it seem like a group of pompus elitists other than to keep ppl out but im tired of that bull. most ppl are very understanding and many of them that i talked to DID start out with two breeds they showed however they did mention to me it would be harder with long haired breeds of the same group as the ibizan in case they both ended up in the same ring.
i am seriously considering the italian greyhound as a companion because it is a member of a different group and i like the breed. i have the land i have so honestly im flipping some of you off for being just plain ignorant and foolish as well as know it alls that like to build false conclusions.
ALSO most ibizan hound breeders have been thrilled about the high game fence and no i didnt have to pay for it my neighbor did so he could keep his exotics in(red elk, mule deer, bison, black buck ect) he surrounds my property.
and no Austin i wouldnt mind having you show a dog of mine, you asked on a previous Q.
i do agree there is a chance the dogs can pay more attention to one another i have never had a problem training two dogs at once…i trained my both my brothers dogs all around the same age i would separate them for a session then when we were done i would take another out an work with it. i make time for my pets i may be dead tired and falling over but i still get out and work with them or in that case my two brothers 4 dogs a boston terrier and 3 mutts.
i believe i have fully answered this question the ignorance and conclusion jumping with notable restraint, considering how people make outrageous assumptions.
Annie says
I heard this "high game fence 70 acres under 18 person who owns it all" once before (the third and fourth are from the last post that I remember from some months ago) and honestly, it just didn't sound right then and it doesn't sound right now.
I would reject a home that doesn't "ring true" to me, and this one didn't before and doesn't now.
If someone has never shown a dog, it's very unlikely they'd get two to show. Generally you show you CAN successfully show a dog first, and then people are likely to aid and abet you in doing crazy things we show people do – like showing several at a time, in different breeds.
Prove you can do it with ONE, then go on.
Nobody likes to sell a show dog that never hits the show ring because their owner "changed her mind" or some other excuse.