Fred: what are some good things to know about Fila Brasileiro dog?
I'm getting another dog and I looked at the shelter there is this Fila Brasileiro puppy but it's said you can only get him if you have experiences I don't have experience but I have a Newfoundland already so can someone give me some tips on having one of these Fila dogs.
Answers and Views:
Answer by Santa Basset
If you don't know about this breed, don't even consider getting one. They're not kidding when they say they need a very experienced owner - of TOUGH dogs, not pushovers like Newfies.
A Fila in the hands of an amateur is a lawsuit (or even a tragedy) waiting to happen.
Photo Credit: iane machado/Flickr CC
Answer by Brenda
I rescued a Fila from animal control 10 yrs ago, he was about 6-12 months old according to the vet. I had no idea what type of dog he was but he was the best dog I ever owned. Do your research on the breed.
Maybe he is the dog for you...........
Answer by Oregano13
If you don't have breed experience or at least experience with another molosser breed of similar size and temperament, they aren't going to adopt this dog to you. They have a tendency to be dog aggressive AND human-aggressive and are deeply suspicious of strangers. This is one breed where the FCI actually permits them to show aggression (though not "excessive") towards the judges in the show ring, to give you an idea of the extent within the breed.
They are very large and powerful, and need a firm handler. No one in their right mind would sell or adopt a Fila into a home that did not have experience with similar temperament breeds prior (and a Newfie most definitely would not fall into that category).
Add: Steer clear of any mastiff breeds or bully breeds. Other than that, look for a dog with a gentle temperament that is dog-social since you already have another dog. It should be of sufficient size, ideally, so that your Newfie can't harm it accidentally during play.
Answer by Yvonne Clark
I have had a Fila. Disregard all the comments and please listen to real experience. First, my Yogi was 13 1/2 years old when he died of old age. He was intact (unneutered), and an absolute delete. What all of these people are not telling you is that this breed has a loathing of strangers they are suspicious and make strange faces at their smell like stinky. Another thing they are not telling you is how incredibly strong they are.
Have you ever gone lawn skiing? They are incredibly strong and fearless able to stand up on their hind legs take steps like a bear or pull their elf into a tree. My dog on his hind legs standing like a bear was 7'4" tall he was huge! To his shoulder he was 33 1/2 " tall for this breed. Now it is true that they vary and carry on throwing their elf in the door frame or fence or car windows you have to work with them. And bullying this animal will surely get you hurt. Kind gentility with consistent positive reinforcement will get you a companion like none other.
Fila means to hold. These ladies and gentlemen do not attack by biting and tearing their prey they hold them with their great strength front legs and chest. They k ock their suspect down to the ground and pin them until you tell them to release. My big boy was attacked by a Neopolitan mastiff family member's dog. He was protecting his baby girl Rocco a new Rescue thought he was doing the same when he escaped from a room in the house the meeting did not go the way we wanted but never did Yogi fight with bite force he locked up using his legs and weight.
While the two dogs did not like each other we babysat Rocco at our house when my son's family went on vacation kept the boys in different rooms and spent time with each. Now the next thing is they are independent thinkers so it is important to communicate psy attention to body language, and I always like my boy to have fun so I have a leniency o. The silly focus on work we are partners they will alert you to issues receive it and respond appropriately.
Yogi saved my grandson from an attack prevented our home from being broken into and kept our home safe. He allowed home health nurses to sit with him when they visited my mom and at age 11 we welcomed a Great Pyrenees into our home and knowing he was getting old he stepped up and taught him everything.
Again a male Great Pyrenees in the home with an intact Brazilian Mastiff. My Ragnar is fabulous and I love him The Fila is a dog that bonds deeply they are not deserving of the hype.
Answer by cimkill
I own 3 English mastiffs 140lb, 192lb, and 212lb. I have had all of them from pups and now Dutchess is 9 years old. My friend has a Fila Brasileiro, and wow! I thought Duke was unpredictable till I saw that dog. They are man-killers! He, His wife, and his daughter can do anything to the dog, and its unresponsive, but as soon as I or anyone gets close to the gate the dog turns into a berzerker. Just wants to attack! I have lots of experience with bully breeds and would hesitate on getting one of them.
Answer by Frank
I can tell you my life rotated around my dog, everyone doesn’t have the ability or desire to do this, I raised my girl through my 50’s I had no experience with Fila’s only a Toy Poodle, you learn just like they are learning, your their whole life and they are your whole life, if you offered me a million dollars to trade in those 10 years I would refuse the money, and not even blink an eye.
Answer by Dianna
What about another Newfie? I bet there is a contact somewhere close to you. Rescuing the Fila would be great, it is a different personality and could be a great thing or a real heartbreak for both of you. Depending on their genes, they can be velcro dogs, following your every footstep through the house and yard while you’re home.
It is a breed that will lay down its life for you without a heartbeat. It is also a 24 hr/365-day responsibility… Worst case scenario, say that if someone steps from behind a car while you are out for a walk, unmeaning to but threateningly, it could turn ugly if you are not always ready and trained. A Newfie re-home might not have the same intensity.
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