Q: Is there any Pet insurance Company that does cover pre-existing conditions?
I just found out that one of my dog's teeth is rotting out. I would like to get insurance to help pay the bill, but since there is already a pre-existing condition, it is hard to find one that will help. Does anyone know of pet insurance (even if more expensive) that will cover this pre-existing condition?
Answers and Views:
Answer by walking lady
Afraid not. Insurance companies are in the business to make money, they not only don't cover pre-existing conditions, but they also have a lot of exclusions. And teeth are an exclusion with all companies that I'm aware of.
Photo Credit: AJU_photography/Flickr CC
Answer by Rainbow
Progressive's pet insurance does cover SOME pre-existing conditions but I doubt they would cover that..they would think you got the insurance just so it could pay for the tooth extraction, you know?
Progressive doesn't cover chronic pre-existing conditions. Only if they have been free from the previous illness for six months and then they get it again, they would be covered.
Answer by Tatum Marie
Try Fetch by the Dodo. It is not as cheap as some others but they will possibly cover your dog's issues.
Answer by Show Dogs Can Work T
Even if you could find such a policy, which I doubt, the cost would be higher than the cost of having the offending tooth extracted. So just suck it up and get rid of the bad tooth.
Answer by ☆ Memphis Belle ~
No, pet insurance providers are in the business of taking a calculated risk that the majority of policyholders will not make a claim against it, so they make a decent profit.
There is no risk with a pre-existing condition because the fact a dog has a health problem is a certainty.
Answer by Moondog
How do you think that would work? It would be like not insuring your car until you had an accident or not insuring your house until it burned down.
Doesn't really make much sense, does it?
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Answer by Lorrain
No of course not.
If that happened then we'd all just wait until something went wrong.
Think of your car insurance or your life insurance -pet insurance is the same thing.
Answer by Tatum Marie
Human health insurance works that way. You can get coverage for medications and treatment of a pre-existing or chronic condition. I don’t understand why many here are bashing the question..
No, you wouldn’t wait until your home burns down to get insurance but your dog's health is completely different. Healthcare is a consistent need and since my insurance is paying thousands upon thousands with my 100 a month – pet insurance should pay 200-300 with my 60.00 a month.
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