tamaya: How do I train my German Shepherd to be an executive protection dog?
How do I train It myself? Where do I get a Decoy in Los Angeles? Could the owner be the decoy?
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Answer by libsmacker
One, you have to make sure that it is legal to have a dog trained in this matter. Most states do not allow persons to have ownership of such an animal other than law enforcement officers or military police officers.
The other point, your dog would need to be professionally trained. This is something that a beginner with no knowledge does not need to attempt.
Photo Credit: Capri23auto from Pixabay
You are not only endangering yourself or the dog but you would be endangering innocent persons. Also, some homeowners insurance companies may not insure you because your dog has been trained in such a manner he may pose a risk.
Answer by CJ
What do you mean "executive protection"?
The owner should NEVER NEVER be the decoy.....always the one who releases and commands the dog.
Answer by Gareth
Every man for himself, if one wants his dog aggressive then I don't have a problem with that. to make your dog aggressive to strangers you have to keep him away from people.
Answer by electrophile19
You cannot be your own decoy for your own dog in defensive work. It will cause conflict in your dog. You can train the obedience exercises, but yeah, not the actual decoy work. Also, your dog can't just be a run-of-the-mill GSD. It has to have excellent drives, socialization, and nerves. 90+% of people who think they need a personal protection dog just need a large dog that barks as a deterrent. Nothing more…well, except maybe a home security system and self-defense lessons.
Answer by XxXgunsxgoxbangXxX
Training a dog to be aggressive [in any nature] can be dangerous if not by a trained professional.
I suggest taking your dog to a professional or forget the training.
Trying to train your dog to do such a thing could be harmful to both you and him/her.
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Answer by Trained Home Protection Dogs
Each dog especially German Shepherd with “World Class” in front of their name is from our breeding program and the others are chosen from affiliates that breed for the proper temperaments, stability, and nerves needed for the training we offer.
Answer by ronniegsd
First how old is your dog? did it have any training?
if you have experience, yes you can with a help of a trainer, if not you need to send it to one.
if it needs to be your protection dog you can't be the decoy.
It all depends on the age and temperament of your GSD, how much prep work it had, and so on.
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