Jessica: How to keep my Pit Bull dog from jumping the fence?
My Pit Bull is constantly escaping from my backyard. She's small (about 28 pounds, full grown) but still manages to jump over our seven-foot fence. She isn't out all the time because we live in Florida and it's a way too hot for that. Only in the evenings or when we leave the house. What is the best way to deter our dog from jumping the fence?
Photo Credit: Ben+Sam/Flickr CC
Answers and Views:
Answer by Jackie
Don't leave her out when you are gone. Use a crate inside if you can. If you have to, buy one of those chain link kennels that have a top so the dog can't get out. Don't use any sort of dog line or tie though unless you are home to watch the dog as the dog could tangle or strangle herself.
Answer by Noota Oolah
Higher fence, something she can't grip to help her get over, stay out there with her and do training, electric fence, tie her on, repellent.
Answer by Brianne
I have a female pitbull who is always jumping our fence. She has recently become an outdoor dog due to my grandmother's health and is not taking it well. Although she has plenty of toys, affection, walks and isn't alone outside she has our male with her too. I have added higher fence I have extended her walk time and even bought the thunder jacket which claims 100% satisfaction yet she still does it. I feel I may also have to buy one of those invisible fences that I think alerts her away from the undesired area by a shock or sound. I have had issues with her the last time she got out a not so nice neighbor reported this to the police who say if she caught out again will be euthanized.
Answer by martinamagrace
You should never leave a dog outside alone. She is bored or she wouldn't jump the fence. Leave her inside while you are gone. WHY would you leave her out in the extreme heat??
In the evening take her for a long walk. Talk to her & show her a lot of attention. When you get back home play ball with her. It doesn't matter how many toys a dog has if he/she doesn't get the attention they need, the toys do not help. They need human contact & play time. After that, she will be tired & not jump over the fence.
Please do not use shock collars or tie her out. The electric fences are bad too. Why would anyone want to inflict pain on another breathing thing? Go to the Vet that suggested the shock collar & make him wear it for a day. Every time he does something incorrectly, shock the hell out of him. But remember to tell him it really didn't hurt that bad. Then let him have another hit…….If he whimpers, go for it again & tell him to quit whining like a baby.
Answer by xoanathema
Keep your dog entertained in your yard. Dogs want to jump the fence because of boredom and loneliness (dogs are social pack animals, not an independent species) — you wouldn't want to stay out in your backyard all day and have nothing to do, can you really expect your dog to?
Get her toys and other things to entertain her outside. Stuffed Kong dog toys are good, as are kiddy pools. Big, hard balls (sort of like the ones people buy for horses, but without the handle) are also good entertainment. As are big knuckle bones, or other real bones. Give her more walks and exercise as well, and she'll be less likely to want to escape.
As well, you can buy a crate and keep her inside while you're gone. It will keep her out of trouble, but still inside your home while you're gone.
Answer by Christi
My bulky does the same thing, he has plenty of toys, a brother to play with, is neutered and gets walked 3 miles a day and still comes home goes straight out and jumps the fence. Sometimes if after small animals or other dogs, sometimes people, sometimes just to run the fence line with his brother from the other side, and sometimes just to go wandering. I have a chain link fence plus an invisible fence and he still does it. We’ve tried a shock collar and despite the strongest levels of continued shock he still just keeps going.
He does this every time we let him out to potty, he’s not left unattended. We now have to walk him on a leash to potty, which is boring for him and he hates and it’s a hassle for us. He gets to go places and is socialized but is standoffish towards people, which is concerning. He jumps the fence after them but runs from them and growls and barks if they move. I’m not sure what to do, we desperately need help. I can’t afford a privacy fence and I don’t want someone calling animal control and he gets taken away. We are at a complete loss as to what to do.
Answer by sniffydogs
Don't let her out alone, especially when you leave. With all the nutcases and crazies she can end up being a bait dog for training pitbull fighters.
Answer by ~a girl~
I would suggest to get a chain and hook it around the dog somehow and tie it up when you leave every time you leave for about 2 months if the dog still jumps the fence you should make sure there isn't any other dog in the neighborhood out when your dog is out because your dog could get lonely and want to play with another dog… try those if they don't work hire the best dog whisperer you can hire and they can find out why your dog is jumping the fence…
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