the man: What can I do to make my Beagle stop crying when we leave the house?
My Beagle puppy is 6 months old, and every time we leave the house, he cries and howls for like an hour or two, and we are afraid that a neighbor could call the police.
Photo Credit: Nick115/Pixabay
Answers and Views:
Answer by OfficeFan
That's what our two Beagles do. They have gotten a little better over the years.
Answer by Krystal.
The problem your dog has is that he has separation anxiety. It's relatively common in hound breeds.
You could try any of the following:
- adopt a friend for him.
- leave a TV or radio on while you're gone.
- make a comfortable area for him with a baby blanket and an old pillow.
- before you leave say your goodbye and give him a treat, and when you come home, play fetch or tug-o-war and give him another treat. This way he'll know that you WILL come back for him.
Answer by MARIO K
Just say GOOD BUY if you leave the house and no talk like sorry brb or stuff like that.
Answer by lcmccabe4
I had the same problem with my lab mix until she figured out that when I returned I would always bring her a treat. Get some Denta Stix or other treat and keep them in your car. Give one to the baby when you get home.
I always tell my baby that I'll be back in a little while and will bring a treat. We have gone from beating the door down to greeting me with a yawn as she gets off of the couch. Your dog must associate your leaving with a treat when you return.
Answer by Patricia L
In order to make your Beagle stop crying all you have to do is leave a TV on. Give him some toys and comfort him.
Answer by Courtney
If you keep him in a crate, a blanket really helps. Use a darker colored one, it works better! Also putting his favorite toys in there could help!
Answer by anavswife
That's what Beagles do!
Answer by Pit Bull&hea
Is he crated? If he is, put a blanket over it.
Keep the TV or radio on, or a fan or air filter. And a ticking clock (If you choose)
Answer by cjr731
You should give him a doll or something to chew or give it a pillow or a comfortable place to stay.
Answer by shermynewstart
A clock with a ticking sound is soothing because it reminds them of their mother's heartbeat. You might also want to consider getting a second dog. They are pack animals & don't like to be alone.
Answer by Larry Powers
Wear a t-shirt to bed for a few nights, and put the t-shirt in the crate with him.
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Answer by miz4x4
What I learned with my puppy (of 6 months) was when I locked her in her cage, I would give her a dog treat, and then I had to close the door and walk away. They will cry, it's normal. But you have to be strong and discipline yourself to not go back into the house and coddle them.
The first day I left my puppy alone in her "crate" (we call it her 'bed') she started crying as soon as I closed the door. But I was strong… I stood there for a minute debating what to do, but I walked away. I figured she had to get used to being alone.
Now she is a year old and as soon as I put my shoes on, she runs to her bed and lays down waiting for her treat. She has gotten accustomed to her bed and she loves it there.
We don't use it as a disciplinary factor either so she is not afraid of it. She actually goes in there all the time to get a toy out, or just to hang out if my wife and I are watching TV. But just make sure you have a blanket or something soft for them to lay on, and a chew toy for entertaining themselves. Oh yeah, and we leave a radio on all day too for sound, so she can't hear the outside and freak out if a dog barks or something.
Answer by Donny
Try leaving the TV on.
Answer by Alias Smith & Jones
It's a conditioned behavior. Just act casually – "Bye, Fido, I'll be back later", then leave. After several days your Beagle will know that A) you do return, and B) whelping and crying won't win any special treatment.
You should get a book on dog training, and better yet actually enroll in dog training. This will help you bond with your dog, and you can address this issue.
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