During WWII twenty million people were killed in Russia. Hitler’s order in dealing with the Russians was: “Scruples of any sort are a crime against the German people.” Both the human and animal populations suffered starvation and death. Is it any wonder the Soviets had such hatred for the invading Germans and all things German? […]
dog books
Boris the Borzoi, or Once In A Lifetime Dog
Chantelle Hildreth tells a touching story of her Borzoi dog Boris that has accompanied her all the way.
New Dog Books by Darlene Arden
Darlene Arden is an award-winning writer on pets behavior and training. She has written hundreds of articles and columns for all of the major dog and cat publications, as well as newspapers and general interest publications. Darlene is especially known as the author of The Irrepressible Toy Dog, and The Angell Memorial Animal Hospital Book of Wellness […]
Nice Dog Books
Here are some nice dog books that are popular with our readers. A Dog Named Slugger The true life story of a dog who changed everything for one woman. For the first time in my life, I didn’t need to pretend, I didn’t need to be tough: I only needed to be honest. “I have […]
Dog Training Books: Pet Expert’s Choice
Each year a lot of new dog training books appear in the market. Some of them are really good but some are for aversive training which doesn’t help any dog. Darlene Arden is an internationally recognized authority on dogs and their care, and a Certified Animal Behavior Consultant. She is a recipient of numerous awards, […]